
You Can Ask Better Questions & Get Better Results Every Time.

Learn how Better Questions invite greater connection and understanding.

If you're not a hermit by choice and you're looking to do life in relationship with others, communication is everything - would you agree?

  • Employers want their people to be informed and heard.
  • Parents wants their kids to talk to them.
  • Couples crave deep connection.
  • Friends want to enjoy and share experiences.
  • Entrepreneurs want to understand the needs of their market.

To achieve any of this, we have to ask questions... and do you know how often we ask them in a way that simply can't get the meaningful answers we're looking for?

All. The. Time.

If you've been frustrated at how often you get get one word replies, 'I don't know' shrugs or answers that aren't really answers - we have really good news - you CAN learn how to ask powerful questions that invite the deeper connection and communication you want.

This is an invitation to Experience & Practice Embodied Questions

We invite you to join us for a two part group coaching experience focused on Embodied Questions.

We'll dive into...

  • What are Embodied VS Disembodied Questions?
  • How to shift easily into a more effective communication style.
  • Why do simple changes in our queries create radically different results.
  • You'll have an opportunity to not only learn, but practice with others in safe breakout sessions. 

As a group we'll master the use of Embodied Questions for Connecting and Problem Solving and you'll leave the training equipped to create more of what you want with the people in your life and business.

About Dr. Melissa Peet

While getting my PhD at the University of Michigan, I was doing research on how people transform.  I was also really sick with lupus at the time and wasn't sure I was going to live. As it turns out, the disease was a blessing in disguise.  In learning how to deal with the excrutiating pain of lupus, I discovered a world of information - a realm of knowledge and strength - that was completely hidden from me and everyone else.  As a result of this work, the lupus is now gone. I've since worked with thousands of people - educators, leaders, managers, coaches, health-care workers, students and entrepreneurs - to develop practical  tools for helping others discover their own hidden resources. 

About Kelly McCausey

I'm a business coach, blogger and podcaster - so my whole world is about communication. After participating in Melissa's Generative Knowledge Workshop Level One & Two, my connection style has morphed to include Embodied Questions in all areas.  It has improved my coaching conversations, made me a better podcast interviewer, and helped me to connect with everyone on a more personal level. I'm enthusiastic about inviting others to learn and practice these powerful skills.

Dr. Jeff King

Tranformative Learning Expert

The most potent tools for learning and transformation I’ve ever encountered... people transform... by identifying their hidden purpose and superpowers through the use of their hard core data - derived from their own life experiences.

Why Is This So Important?

We spend so much time in surface level communication and it's starving us of intimacy and understanding. It leaves us dissatisfied with relationships in every area of life and business.

If you feel, as we do, that our lives are richer when we have true connection with others and you want to create more of it, say yes and join us in the Embodied Questions Experience.

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