
Generative methods are the most potent tool for learning and transformation I’ve ever encountered. They do what nothing else can do - they help people transform their unconscious limiting beliefs by identifying their hidden purpose and superpowers through the use of evidence - hard core data - derived from their own life experiences. It is an extraordinary thing to witness, and an even better thing to experience first hand. We used these methods to increase retention by 40% in a first-generation students, something never even dreamed of before...

Dr. Jeff King, 

Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching and Learning, University of Central Oklahoma.

We Work With...

  • PEOPLE: who feel stuck or experiencing trauma and/or oppression.
  • LEADERS: who want to bring out the best in others.
  • EDUCATORS: who want to engage their students in transformative learning.
  • PARENTS: who want to support their kids in becoming their best self.
  • COACHES: who want to help people find their passion, focus and purpose.
  • PROFESSIONALS: who want to go to the next level but are not sure how.

What We do...

TedX at UCO

Listen to Dr. Peet's TedX talk from 2017 and University of Central Oklahoma. She explains the research and discovery of the generative method she has developed the last ten years.

Generative =  Resource creating

Since the processes of learning, change and regeneration happen within us unconsciously and automatically, most people don't know what they know, and have no idea the incredible resources they possess to successfully facilitate change. As a result, many people feel lost, confused and fragmented, not knowing where to go next. We help people discover and build upon the vast hidden reservoir of intelligence, strength, capacity and purposefulness they already have, but don’t know how to access.  It is truly a life changing experience.

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