"Dr. Peet is the founder of the GKI and until recently, was the Director of Integrative Learning and Knowledge Management at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
She also works with non-profit and business organizations to create succession planning and talent management strategies that leverage the vast reservoir of hidden knowledge, skills and intelligence that exists within their employees, clients and communities."
Our Vision
Millions of people who know how to facilitate the highest and best in one another, and to use their knowledge to create positive change.
Live Online Training
Enable people to discover and build upon their vast hidden sources of strength, intelligence, and purpose, and to use these resources to transform their relationships, schools, workplaces and communities.
Organizational Consulting
Selected articles from the exercises will be published on the world famous ClickJournalist Magazine.
Starting from strength -
There is a vast, hidden wholeness and intelligence that lives within all people, groups and organizations. When we tap into this wholeness, we can access resources that have previously been lost, hidden and frozen
Letting the need be great -
embracing great need with courage and curiosity always generates extraordinary results. We embrace complexity and difficulty.
Centering the right people -
The knowledge needed to create change must come from those who need and seek change the most; it cannot be generated from the outside
Telling the truth even when its hard -
Without the truth, nothing, absolutely nothing, is possible. Thus, we honor the need to speak difficult truths as gently as possible.
Specializing in the wholly impossible -
The more complex the problem, the more elegant, unexpected and intelligent the solutions will be – it all depends on how we hold it!
Remembering that curiosity (the holiness of not-knowing), is at the heart of all learning, change and transformation; without it, nothing can change creating positive change is something many wish to do, but few can truly put into practice. Melissa Peet is one of the few. With the right tools and methods, she believes everyone can make a difference using their unique gifts or “super powers.”
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