
Coaching With Dr. Melissa Peet

How Do You Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be?

Did you ever hear someone say something like, “You can do anything you set your mind to,” and you thought, “If that’s true, why do I feel so stuck? How come I can’t reach my goals? What’s wrong with me?”

The problem isn’t you. The problem is your inability to access the hidden knowledge, strengths and sources of intelligence that are within you. Those resources are hidden from you. We all have far more language to describe what’s “wrong” with us than we have to describe all the ways we are capable, strong, brilliant and purposeful. There’s a reason for this gap: our strength and brilliance is largely hidden from us, we need others to help us find it.

If you had access to that knowledge, those strengths and those gifts, you would be astounded by what you could do.

I know this because I’ve seen it over and over again.

So How Do You Get Access?

For a long time people assumed it was nearly impossible to access your inner “knowing.”  I used to think so too until I stumbled onto a process to discover/uncover them while doing research for my PhD at The University of Michigan. What I discovered is like a key that opens your treasure chest.

Over time, I developed and refined my method so that I could get repeatable, predictable results, helping people access their knowledge, strengths and gifts, and then use those gifts to get more of what they wanted out of life.

For the last 15 years, I’ve used the methodology I developed at UM to help thousands of people to discover/uncover and use their “generative knowledge”—their hidden knowledge, strengths and gifts (the word “generative” means resource-creating). And over and over again, I’ve seen people’s lives transformed. New careers. Better relationships. Goals met.

How Coaching Works

When we work together, I’ll use my coaching methodology to first help you uncover/discover your hidden data from your experiences that reveal your hidden strengths. I will then help you discover/uncover your own powerful resources for change—your purpose, your capacities, and your hidden super powers (yes, you have them!).

Once we’ve discovered your hidden resources, we’ll use those resources as a firm foundation to stand on as you identify and dismantle what’s been blocking you, such as old habits, and unconscious negative core beliefs.  In order to move forward, you will need to get rid of these blocks.

You might be thinking, “I’ve been through counseling and/or therapy before” or “I’ve hired a coach before and it didn’t help me get where I wanted to go.”

Here’s what I know: my method is different. And it’s not like anything you’ve tried before. Read the testimonials. You can schedule a free 30-minute conversation to see for yourself.

What Now?

It seems pretty clear that you can do one of two things. You can keep struggling. Keep hoping. Keep wishing. And I hope you eventually get where you want to go.

The other option is to do something different. You can trust yourself, that you have what it takes to get unstuck and reach your goals, even if it’s hidden within and feels like you just can’t get at it. And you can trust me to help you get access to the hidden resources inside (the same way I’ve helped thousands of other people). I can help you discover what’s been holding you back, uncover what strengths, knowledge and gifts you have, and figure out how you can use them to get where you really want to be in life.

Since my coaching schedule is quite full, I only want to work with the most motivated people. If you are interested in being a client and would like to know more, please schedule an informational session with me here.

About Your Coach

I’m Dr. Melissa Peet. I’m the founder of the Generative Knowledge Institute and until recently, the Director of Integrative Learning and Knowledge Management at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

I have created tools and methods that help people and organizations discover the vast reservoir of purpose, strength and intelligence they already possess, but exists outside of their conscious awareness. Several of these methods – Generative Knowledge Dialogue, Generative Coaching, and the Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process, are being used to develop integrative and lifelong learners, leaders and change agents in a wide range of fields, disciplines and professions.

My coaching, learning, and assessment methods have been adopted by colleges, universities, and professional schools throughout the US and Europe, educating students in Liberal Arts, Natural and Life Sciences, as well as Business, Public Health, Dentistry, Medicine, Social Work, Engineering, Nursing, and Education schools.